At Clearwater Pump Service we believe proven solutions to your water quality issues. We are committed to supplying our customers with not only safe water but water that is pure. Whether your well has hard water, leaves orange stains, smells bad, tastes funny, or is contaminated with bacteria we have the solution to your water treatment needs. Below are some of the more common problems found in your well water.

Water Problems
We believe proven solutions to your water quality issues. We are committed to supplying our customers with not only safe water but water that is pure. Whether your well has hard water, leaves orange stains, smells bad, tastes funny, or is contaminated with bacteria we have the solution to your water treatment needs.

Free Mineral Testing
We offer sales and service on water softeners, free mineral testing, iron filtration, PH filters, taste and odor filters, carbon filters, sand separators, ozone systems, air injection, chlorine injection, ultraviolet filters, reverse osmosis systems, arsenic removal, and cartridge filters. We also offer routine maintenance plans.

Potability Testing
Potability Testing ensures the safety of the homes well water supply. The testing includes checking for coliform bacteria and ecoli, nitrates, and arsenic.

Water Softeners
Hard water is caused by high amounts of calcium or magnesium in your well water. Hardness is measured in grains per gallon. Ideally your well water will be 3 grains per gallon or less. However, it is common to find well water in excess of 3 grains per gallon.

Iron Filtration
To effectively filter iron from well water the water must go through a process called oxidation. Oxidation simply put puts the iron in a solid form where it can be removed from the water. There are two ways to achieve oxidation.

U.V. Filtration
U.V. Filter uses ultra-violet light to kill waterborne contaminants. U.V. filters are commonly used to treat water contaminated with coliform bacteria and ecoli. The benefits of U.V. filtration is low maintenance, low operating costs, simple operation, and unlike chlorine treatment the ability to effectively treat the water without altering the taste or odor of your water.

PH FIlters
PH problems in well water is typically when the water has a low PH and is considered acidic. Water with a PH level lower than 7.0 is considered to be acidic. Typically when your water is acidic you will notice a metallic taste in the water and green or blue staining in the sink.

How to Disinfect a Well & Water System
Overview: Use ordinary liquid laundry bleach to shock chlorinate the water system. Determine how much bleach to use, then pour the bleach down the well and circulate it through the whole water distribution system. Wait 6 – 12 hours for the chlorine to work, then flush the chlorinated water from your well and pipes. Retest the water after 2-3 days.

Whole House Reverse Osmosis
A reverse osmosis system is the most effective way to filter out contaminants from water. Reverse Osmosis systems typically consist of pre-filters to remove sediment and or chlorine.